Review: Jevil Project- Golden Eye E.P.

Jevil Project is, as his Soundcloud page describes, " is an France-based instrumental metal act, who does not perform live, but prefers to create music meant to be listened to. Jevil Project is proficient at marrying sludge metal riffery with dirtier post-rock guitar melodies."

I found this to be a pretty apt description, though there is a lot more to be examined.

His latest release, The Golden Eye EP,  starts out with Paradox, a slightly djenty (but less annoying than that description would imply) slow instrumental with some interweaving melodies. I say "Djenty" only because of the super downtuned riff that somewhat "chugs" but with a way less sterile tone than the aforementioned genre would normally deliver.

The second song N.V.R.S is faster for the most part, featuring bludgeoning guitars alternating with slower sections.

 Osmosis features almost more traditional sounding melodies and harmonies that make it a catchier feeling, along with more chugging.

 Flashes ends the EP with blastbeats and an unexpected black/death metal feel with alternating leads interwoven through. Probably the most interesting song other than Osmosis, this shows a potential for this style of music. Slowing down to a more dissonant chug, this is full of good ideas and riffs.  In listening to other releases by this project, this idea has been explored before, and it would be interesting to hear more like this in the future.

The production is extremely clear and pristine and suits the music well. The drums can be a bit mechanical at times but do fit the music pretty well for the most part.

 Jevil Project has tons of potential, chops and good ideas. The downfall of the project could be seen by some as a strength- having super short songs is something that could serve many bands and projects well, but I would say in the case of this, we want to hear where these ideas lead. It would be far more interesting to see these ideas lead to different conclusions than they do. It doesn’t have to be at the expense of the songwriting, or  by having plodding and ponderous ten minute “epics” but having the format of two minutes seems to limit the project to some extent where I think it could be extrapolated upon. Nevertheless, I find the project refreshing in a world of clones and attempts at sounding too much like what has done before.

You can find more information on Jevil Project from the following links:


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