Interview: Sepsiss

Sepsiss are an up and coming female fronted Metal band coming from the distinct woods of the Northeastern United States, that is, Manchester, New Hampshire. The bios of the band members mention everything from Napoleon Hill to Quincy Jones to Motley Crue, Iron Maiden and beyond, so you know you’re bound to get an eclectic mix of elements and attitudes contained in the music.

I recently conducted an interview with William Savant, the cofounder, prominent songwriter, and lead guitarist, and this is what he had to say:

What does the name signify?

(WILLIAM SAVANT : ( composer/guitars / co founder ) 
The name it self , spelled as it is means nothing in English until it represents something. Being a play off an actual word you might have heard before, certainly helps. We were also keen on the fact if other bands would use the obvious spelling, confusing people, making our version " ownable " google searchable. A title is only as meaningful as its operable owner.

What are your main influences? I hear a lot some modern melodic death metal and traditional metal snuck in there, as well as other more mainstream rock but with atmosphere because of the keyboards?

Judas Priest , (Iron) Maiden , Heart , evanescence . God there are so many. How ever , there are many sequences in rhythms you don’t hear in metal routinely. Konnakol, Latin, and African music. Pop and Hip-Hop are also a good to point for the writing. 

What’s the scene like in New Hampshire?

We wish it wasn't so fragmented. A lot of small groups and honestly a shit load of talent also. I feel the "scene” is harmfully unseen. The revolving door in the trinity of promoter/venue/artist communication breakdown, what is means to be responsible as an act or promoter in regards to doing what’s best for the showcase, a fine line between pay to play, artists that blend in hints of being over qualified to play showcases they wont draw. Everyone wants to play the staples center. but not all if us are qualified.

What is all your opinion of another Manchester mainstay from long ago, GG Allin? God , ya know you say that , and i truly have forgotten all together. I’m gonna be really polite. I think GG and the Queen city some how make sense. Honestly, you have completely cleared my ANY fucking thought about why Manchester is Manchester and GG is GG . I get it!

What are your lyrics about and what message do you think they convey? SEPSISS writes about everything and nothing. there a lot of transparency in our music  together. so people can create WITH us . a lot of erotic ideas and fantasy . 

What bands/tours have you opened for or been a part of? Are you planning to do touring in the near future? yes We’re are touring our ep now, BADD BLOOD , , Please check out our Facebook page for tour dates details.

Special thanks to William for the interview!

You can find out more about Sepsiss from the following links:


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