Review: Vaudeville Remedy- I've Got An Idea For Christmas​.​.​.

Vaudeville Remedy is a self proclaimed “blues/punk” band from Assiniboia, Saskatchewan,
At first I thought the location they gave was a joke, but then I googled it, and indeed there is a town with that name (Populaton: 2,389). 
However, you can seriously expect a sardonically humorous element to their new release, “I've Got An Idea For Christmas​.​.​.

The three piece band has been around 2009 and has six releases (at least from what is listed on bandcamp).

The album is a concept one, purportedly about “a heroin junkie's misadventures throughout the holiday season”.

The song, "Home Alone 6" (hey, I thought there were only 2 or 3 films) starts out the album.

It features some calliope type backing keyboards, and almost has a slightly New Wave post punk feel to it.
The second song, “I've Got an Idea for Christmas” has an almost Stooges style shuffle, and appropriate hooks.

"XXXmas Alley", follows and has a bit of a jazzier feel.

"Too Much Christmas Cheer" has that classic early pop/punk (think Descendents) feel and is a a welcome adrenaline rush added to the proceedings.

Behind the Bars Until Next Year is the last song, and it's a mellow, bass driven ditty that concludes the story-line.

The lyrics are done in a tongue-in-cheek manner, as previously stated, they feature such gems such as "open your presents then tie your arm, let me pump you full of that Christmas charm."

Overall, the band shows promise on this release. After all, the album is kind of a less pretentious and more whimsical version of an album with similar subject matter, Sixx A.M's Heroin Diaries. The main criticism from me is that it's mercilessly short, they could've fleshed out the concept more and gone through more moods for the songs. It is a catchy album though.

You can find out more about Vaudeville Remedy at the following links:


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