
Showing posts from November, 2017

Review: Herman Martinez - Secret Doors, Hidden Stairs

It is my pleasure with this review to introduce you to Herman Martinez (Video Version of this review available on the bottom).  Herman Martinez is an up and coming (though experienced in previous bands) musician to look out for with his newer solo project.  He plays an ethereal form of rock that crosses into many styles and influences. One of his admitted influences is the ever evolving musical auteur Steven Wilson, whose venturing into prog, alternative, metal, and psychedelic space rock styles have inspired a legion of like minded musicians to push the boundaries.  Herman Martinez is one of these people. I also hear some elements of shoegaze, Pink Floyd and related bands, as well as alternative/indie in Herman's new album, Secret Doors, Hidden Stairs (which appears to be his second release on Bandcamp). The surreal title and artwork is only a hint of what the music contains, because it definitely contains multitudes to paraphrase the famous poet Walt Whitman.