Review: The Silver Tongued Devilz- The Devil Made Me Do It.

The Silver Tongued Devilz, "STDz" for short (hopefully signifying they practice safe sex, lol) have just released their new album, The Devil Made Me Do It. They are a band that play a bluesy form of rock that is both sludgy and has a classic feel.
 Some of the crooning vocal lines on the first two songs  remind me of vintage Jim Morrison, but before you think that I am referencing someone Ian Astbury or Glenn Danzig, take note I am referring to the vocal melodies and not the actual timbre of the vocals.

There is a fuzzy guitar feel that would make any fan of post punk or even classic sludge metal satisfied.  A lot of their lyrics are sordid tales of sex and sleaze that should put the look of horror into the eyes of prudes and politically correct types everywhere.

The first two songs went by and I was taken aback by how left field the more atmospheric and melancholy song "All Over" was. I guess this is their take on the classic ballad trope of "love lost" with it's lyrics like "It's all over now, but the crying."

Speaking of the concept of "Mojo" the next song is called "Bad Mojo", and it's still somewhat in the more downbeat feel of the prior song in a minor key. "Big Ol Booty" picks up the pace a bit back to the feel of the first few songs, and takes us (thankfully) back to the sleaze again!

"Blown Smoke" sounds almost like a Southern Stoner Rock take on The Beatles "Come Together" though it doesn't really come off as secondhand (get it?).

3 songs in a somewhat similar vein close out the album and I must say they are just about as catchy. "Dead Eye's" is probably the best of these because it almost has an old school grunge feel to it, and interesting lyrics (about the zombie apocalypse perhaps?)

Overall, the band definitely shows promise, and with diverse influences (as their press kit states) from Johnny Cash to Foo Fighters, I personally hear everything from the classic Stoner Rock acts of yesteryear to maybe Queens of the Stone Age and beyond, and they may be someone you should check the progress of as time goes on.

If I had a criticism of the album, I would say that the band needs to find a balance between the moods they convey in the songs, because sometimes it's a roller coaster ride with the melancholy songs mixed with the more "sexy" songs. It doesn't exactly feel like two seperate bands though, because much of the presentation and the guitar tone (which is nasty, fuzzy, and direct) is the same, but finding an approach that unites these different sides into one may help. Then again, the blues itself is often both a celebration of the virtues of a woman for one song, and then the betrayal by one from another.

If you happen to find to find yourself interested in this up and coming band, you can check them out with the following links:


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