
Showing posts from September, 2014

Why I Never Liked NU Metal!!!

First of all, what is Nu Metal? Nu Metal (with the spelling "N-U" not "N-E-W" and no don't ask me where they got that from) was/is a sub-genre of Heavy Metal music that came to prominence in Mainstream Rock in the mid/late nineties through the mid 2000's. In this essay, I will explain what I think it is, and what it represents to me. For a lot of people, its still a mainstream representation (Still) of what Heavy Metal music is about. A huge percentage of people have different perceptions of what "Heavy Metal" is, but unfortunately, generalizations and stereotypes exist. The main concern with regards to Nu Metal that I have are that people often assume that I am a fan of this style of metal, or when they talk about metal in general they mention bands included in this genre. I still believe that Nu Metal is a form of metal (a highly contentious point with many people), but I do think that writing this post is necessary to dispel a few notions people...

In Defense of POWER METAL!!!

Not the Pantera album, but the musical sub-type/sub-genre. So in this following article I will be defending this style from its detractors, and going into point by point what some of their arguments are and rebutting each and every one of them. And in the process, defending what may very well be my most beloved sub genre of metal. Why write this article? Well, because I've had to defend this in the spur of the moment without having all of my intellectual resources armed and ready to fight their onslaught of bullshit and fallacious reasoning. And above all, to explain/explore what this sub-genre means to me and why its sustained its influence over me for so many years. To begin with, let's go back to my early days of metal fandom. The first band in metal that I got into was Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden are/were a semi-progressive and very melodic metal band with influences from prog rock, and also a very literate one at that.  Whether it'd be taking lyrical influences from t...